Tuesday, January 26, 2010


十七岁毕业,我逃避了选择,不知道要选哪一科来继续我学院的课程,我进了form 6,因为至少选择没那么多…两年以后,我毕业了,有事因为不会选择在大学报读那一科,我放弃了报名…结果没有像我多数同学们一样在就读大学…听了姐姐帮我做的选择,我就糊里糊涂地去fitness first应征…在没有任何地期待时,跑了去度假,就在期间突然间收到联络电话说我被纳入了…就这样进了这公司做工…想不到,我这么没有毅力的人,行行走走,就酱就呆了一年…




Appointment come already.. Gtg.!

-the confuse + moody me-

1 comment:

Passion Lee said...

just read ur post and decided to give you some comments..

what your fren said bout the exp and unemployment..I do agree..

but,I heard a lot of ppl told me the same thing..even my mom..

they said,your family don't really need your financial contribution yet..since you are still young..y don't you study first?there's a lot of chances of grabbing money out there..you can grab money until the day u die..but not for study..

learn more when you are young..
if your fren said you don't have exp and the companies out there won't take you..

I do agree too..as for me..I have 0 working exp..
but you do worked at FF for a year..
it's much better than me..they do considered this as a working exp..no worries bout this..Im the one suppose to worry..haha..

if higher education can offer you a better and higher payment job..y not to continue your studies?since you r good in study..=)

support you always!!